Thursday, 17 June 2010

Unfortunately it ended all too quickly

Three and a half days in and I ended up sick at Swan Lake. I stayed there for over a day hoping to feel better but didn't I am now heading through to Calgary via a rather convaluted transport route but it should work. I feel a bit better but still washed out, weak and not eating very much at all. Gutted that I quit but not much my body would do for me. Sometimes it is so hard to accept that it just isn't going to happen. Perhaps I gave up too 
soon but I am still not anywhere near up to riding 100 miles + a day.

It was probabably some water I drank. I wanted to get through flathead valley and not spend a night out in the wilderness with the bears which is why I did 260 miles in the first two days. 

The riding I did do was great and I met some amazing people; hopefully they all stay strong
and get to Mexico. The Flathead valley is a stunning place and I saw a bear (from a long way off...). 

Thanks for all your wishes and donations to charity,


  1. Gutted for you! Would you go back and try again?

  2. Heather, I hope you've recovered now. \i'm just glad you had the bottle to start. 260 miles in 2 days !- not many bodies could/would do that. If bear are such a worry, is there a way round this, for next time ? Love Louise.
    PS Any thoughts of recuperation in the islands ? come if you can,(the midges appreciate a change of diet !) Auntie.
